If you like glitter, this is the filament for you!
Sparkly Black PLA pro 3D printing filament, 1kg, 1.75mm (±0.05 mm tolerance). Prints like regular PLA, but the slightly transparent pigment and plenty of glitter particles will give spectacular parts! The photos don't make this filament justice - it is much more sparkly in reality.
Made in New Zealand, including the all-cardboard spool, the box, the bag, the label, and the instruction card.
Recommended settings: Nozzle: 210-220°C. Bed: 50-60°C. Tested with 0.4 mm nozzle, but smaller nozzles will probably also work because the glitter particles are only 0.1 mm in diameter.
Price is in New Zealand Dollars (NZD) and includes 15 % GST (Goods and Services Tax).